Tuesday, July 22, 2008


RON&DAWN, originally uploaded by whipabug.

Well this is a little more texture than I have done on a couple, but I think I like it.

The Stroud Family

THEFAM, originally uploaded by whipabug.

Well thanks to these folks and the rest of the family we had a GREAT vacation.

Wednesday, July 16, 2008


NEWPORT BRIDGE , originally uploaded by whipabug.

We are on vacation and having a blast. I have an old foto of my gma holding my dad when he was a little guy in front of this bridge. I will try to find it and put it on.

Sunday, July 6, 2008

Kalani and sparkler

Kalani and sparkler, originally uploaded by whipabug.

Our big 4th of July fireworks

Kaitlynn with sparkler

Kaitlynn with sparkler, originally uploaded by whipabug.